“Ten Garments” cover reveal and pre-order

I’m proud to announce that the cover of my next book, “Ten Garments Every Man Should Own,” to be published by Dundurn Press in March 2021, can now be revealed. And, that the book is available for pre-order on most major book sites and stores and from Dundurn Press directly.

Now, I didn’t write this book to sell more clothes or to push certain fashions on people. That’s the last thing we, and our planet, need. Instead, it’s meant to encourage a conversation where we talk about clothes like some of us talk about food. Asking questions like: Who made this? Out of what? Under what conditions?

The thing is, as much as more and more journalists are clueing into the issues of sustainability in clothing, what’s missing is a how-to. We can say “buy less, buy better” but what does that actually look like? I try to provide a guide to finding and assessing quality, by understanding how garments are made, what they’re made of, how they should fit, and fit into our lives.

My hope is that we all build a better relationship with our clothes. That instead of being consumed, clothes are owned, cared for, enjoyed and lived in for years and years.

That they can be a moment of joy and beauty in our lives. Something we certainly need more of right now.