CBC Radio panel on banning mandatory neckties

Italian style with an E.G. Cappelli wool challis tie.

Last week I was invited by CBC Radio’s The Current to take part in a panel discussion about the necktie. It was in response to a mayor in California who is attempting to end mandatory necktie use in government offices. His reasoning centres on gender roles and health: that men shouldn’t be forced to wear something women don’t have to, and that neckties cut off circulation to the brain.

My fellow panellists were Lucy Rycroft-Smith, a British writer and teacher who switched her wardrobe to menswear, and David Bernstein, the head of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs and an anti-tie campaigner. I’m not sure if the CBC producers were hoping for sparks to fly, but the discussion was considered, intelligent and balanced, something sorely lacking from most debates today. (I’m looking at you, Twitter). 

You can listen to the entire piece here, embedded just under the first image. The panel begins around the ten minute mark. There is also a full transcript of the discussion.